Giannis Koutsou – BioI am Associate Professor at the Computation-based Science and Technology Research Center (CaSToRC) of The Cyprus Institute. I received my PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Cyprus in 2008 and was postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wuppertal and guest scientist at the Jülich Supercomputing Center in Germany from 2008 to 2010, and Associate Research Scientist at the Cyprus Institute from 2011 to 2013. My research focuses on the computational study of QCD, in which we use some of the world's largest supercomputers to unravel the structure of the fundamental constituents of matter, protons and neutrons. Most of this activity is carried out within the Extended Twisted Mass Collaboration (ETMC) which brings together over 50 researchers across Europe and the US. As part of CaSToRC, I have participated in PRACE, and have led or co-led several tasks within its Implementation Projects (PRACE-IP). I also participate in the “EuroCC” project for the Cyprus National Competence Center (NCC). I coordinated the project “GPU Clusterware”, funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF), which deployed a hybrid cluster and developed associated scientific kernels as benchmarks and management software tools, in collaboration with IBM Cyprus. I have also coordinated the projects “NextQCD” and “NiceQuarks” for the study of nucleon structure and the π-N system using lattice QCD, requiring the development of scientific codes and methods for the study of resonances. I am involved in the supervision of Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellows within the EJD networks “HPC-LEAP”, “Stimulate”, and “Aqtivate” and in the Marie Skłodowska Curie COFUND “Engage”. |